Zone i: a space dedicated to Images and the Environment in Loir-et-Cher
Zone i is a cultural space dedicated to the Image and the Environment, located in rural Thoré-la-Rochette in the Loir-et- Cher region, in Frane. Zone i is originally a “flood zone” whose artistic project is to develop an image zone. Created by Mat Jacob and Monica Santos in 2019, the Zone i association has taken up residence in the heart of an island of greenery, at the Moulin de la Fontaine on the banks of the Loir river. This space is at the service of artists and creativity.
Every year, from May to October, Zone i offers a multidisciplinary program focusing on three themes: images, the environment and education. The association presents exhibitions in the visual arts, organizes meetings and workshops for a varied public, programs concerts and commissions artistic missions in situ.
Four photographic documentaries from the major national commission “Radioscopie de la France: regards sur un pays traversé par la crise sanitaire”, financed by the French Ministry of Culture and piloted by BnF.
May 09 to November 03, 2024 – Exhibitions:
- Les grands séparés by Alexa Brunet
- Abandon by Cha Gonzalez
- Zones Blanches by Arthur Mercier
- Éloge de la lenteur by Olivier Laban-Mattei
Four photographers, four viewpoints, composing four narratives combined in the present tense to question the territory. They study new lifestyles, observe the boundaries between the norm and the margins, question the times and venture into the sensitive and political terrain of our values. What they have in common is their commitment to people or groups who have chosen to live their convictions, to redefine the notions of work and citizenship in their daily lives, with humility. Some have chosen to exclude themselves, while others negotiate with a standardized system. Some militate to reinject life into the earth, to bring it back to life, to assert humanist values. Others take refuge in solitude, fleeing a modernity that suffocates them. Still others come together to reunite the bodies that give them a reason to exist. They make choices and sacrifices. Here they are, all convinced they are in the right place. They are united by the desire to do things differently, to fight for another world.
For more information, click here.