“A Beautiful World : the Power of Nature” at the Peter Fetterman Gallery
Landscapes have inspired some of history’s most striking photographs. Peter Fetterman Gallery curates a collection of photographs focused on the beauty and power of the natural landscape. An homage to our planet, and a call to protect its great vistas, the exhibition is released online in two parts.
“A Beautiful World: The Power of Nature” features 19th and 20th and 21st Century works including Ansel Adams, Wynn Bullock, Paul Caponigro, Jeffrey Conley, Gregory Conniff, George Fiske, Martine Franck, Flor Garduño, Henry Gilpin, Michael Kenna, Andre Kertész, Kurt Markus, Don McCullin, Ryan McIntosh, Sebastião Salgado, Pentti Sammallahti, Charles Scowen, John Szarkowski, Isaiah West Taber, George Tice, Brett Weston and Don Worth.
From early 20th century gems to contemporary photography today this body of photographic work captures the imagination of each photographer and their shared respect for our beautiful world.
For more information : “A Beautiful World: The Power of Nature”