Photography classes, unique prints, coffee table books, and more. Here is a selection of great and original gift ideas at various prices for photography enthusiasts.

The coolest
Give someone a stenoflex. This ready-made kit allows you to take pinhole photographs, using the oldest techniques, from a simple box pierced with a tiny hole. Amazing, timeless photos guaranteed! Starting at 39 euros. (You can upgrade your gift with a workshop to learn how to use a pinhole camera. Starting at 105 euros). Buy it here:
In keeping with the vintage photography theme but this time in digital, you can also opt for the Fujifilm SQUARE SQ20 instax, which allows you to take instant prints and view them before printing.

The most chic
The Galerie Miranda in Paris offers unique prints by big names in the photography world, such as Chloé Sells, Karl Blossfeldt and Ellen Carrey. Plan on spending between 530 and 1300 euros. Information: [email protected]
The most vintage
Roll up your sleeves and come and dig through the boxes of the Galerie Lumière des Roses in Montreuil December 17 – 21 from 10am to 8 p.m. In these boxes, you will find: photographs of anonymous people selected by Marion and Philippe Jacquier. Price: starting at 50 euros. Online, the gallery also offers unique photographs costing between 150 and 350 euros.
Also in the vintage spirit, you can opt for a numbered and stamped print of photography classics from the 1940s to the 1960s. Where to buy: the Polka Factory, [email protected]
The most formative
A photography workshop with a famous photographer, organized by the Rencontres d’Arles and starting in the spring. Starting at 290 euros. Information:
Different setting, different country: you could give someone special the gift of a photography workshop in Berlin, organized by the Berlin School of Photography. Two different types of photography are on the program: graffiti photography or architectural photograph. The choice is yours! Information:

The most bookish
Signed copies that you can order from La Nouvelle Chambre Claire bookstore. We especially recommend Roma by Bernard Plossu, Des Oiseaux [Birds] by Micheal Kenna, and Neiges [Snows] by Christophe Jacrot (in keeping with the Christmas spirit). Where to buy:
For rare books, you can also contact the New York bookstore Dashwood Books:
The most museum-lover-y
In New York, opt for the annual ICP pass. It gives you year-round free admission to the museum and to programs such as lectures and Q&As with artists. Price: 75 dollars per person. Buy it here:
In Paris, the Jeu de Paume offers an annual pass that gives you free and priority access to all of its programming (exhibitions, films, conferences, concerts and visits). Pass price: 30 euros. Buy it here:

By Jean-Baptiste Gauvin