Search Results for: Janette Beckman

© Janette Beckman

Janette Beckman’s East Side Story

Janette Beckman revisits the summer she spent with the El Hoyo Maravilla’s community in Maravilla Park, on the East Side of Los Angeles, during the height of a bitter turf war.

The Pulse of the Streets

The International Center of Photography (ICP) in New York City presents “We Are Here: Scenes from the Streets”, an exhibition celebrating contemporary street photography through the eyes of over 30 authors from around the world.

Raekwon & Ghostface, NYC, 1995. © Jamil GS

Hip Hop’s Golden Anniversary

From bebop to hip hop, Jamil GS takes us on a journey through music, fashion, and art over five decades.

Documenting the Art of Protest

Documenting the Art of Protest

“If graffiti changed anything, it would be illegal,” street artist Banksy said. Jaime Rojo and Steven Harrington of Brooklyn Street Art reflect on the relationship between street art, activism, and photography.

Contact High: the history of hip-hop in photography

Contact High: the history of hip-hop in photography

The International Center of Photography in New York inaugurates its new Lower East Side location with CONTACT HIGH: A Visual History of Hip-Hop. The exhibition, based on Vikki Tobak’s eponymous book published in 2018, documents the explosion of hip-hop in the United States through a series of iconic portraits. These original images break with the stereotypes of a raucous, disorderly culture.

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